Vegetables, spices, and herbal


  • Increate nitrite and nitrate levels in the body : helps to improve the overall performance of people involved in vigorous physical activities or sports
  • Source of dietary calcium
Asafoetida (Feaula asafoetida)
  • Great natural defeater of intestinal wind
  • Potent antioxidant - in vitro studies have shown some cytotoxicity againts lymphoma ascites, tumor cells, and human lymphocytes
  • MSG replacement
  • Potential chemopreventive agent for human cancers
    Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)
    • Enhance flavouring and colour
    • Modifies the texture of food
    • Traditionally used as :
      • Antibacterial
      • Gastric stimulant i.e. it improves nutrient absorption and digestion
      • Appetite stimulant especially for anorexic patiens
      • Antidiabetic agent
      • Galactogogue i.e. it promotes lactation
    Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
    Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica)
    • Traditionally used as :
      • Promote longevity
      • Enhance digestion and treat constipation
      • Reduce fever and cough
      • Purify the blood
      • Alleviate asthma
      • Strengthen the heart
      • Improve eyesight
      • Enrich hair growth and hair pigmentation, reduce the chances of hair loss and baldness
      • Increase calcium's bioavailability
    • In vitro : demonstrates antiviral and antimicrobial properties
    • In vivo :
      • Benificial for treating acute pancreatitis
      • Marked reduction in inflammation and edema - altenative approach to the treatment of arthritis
      • Significant decrease of the blood glucose
    • In human : shown to reduce blood cholesterol levels in both normal and hypercholesterolemic men
    Kaffir lime
    Malabar tamarind (Garcinia cambogia)
    • Used in drinks for its cooling effect
    • Used as a condiment in curries to give the rich tingy taste as it contains HCA, a derivative of citric acid
    Pomegranate (Punica granatum)
    Salai (Boswellia serrata)
    • Has well-known analgesic, anti-arthritic, and anti-inflammatory properties
    • Positive effects in various chronic inflammatory diseases as it contains a potent inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase (an enzyme responsibe for inflammation)
    • Traditionally used for the treatment of arthritis
    Thyme-leaved gratiola (Bacopa monnieri)
    • Possibly effective for improving memory
    • Traditionally, the leaves are used as a diuretic and aperient
    Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

    Dried, powder, and IQF

    • Bitter melon
    • Broccoli
    • Carrot
    • Cauliflower
    • Chives
    • Corn-whole kernel
    • Eggplant
    • Garlic
    • Green beans
    • Green lime
    • Lotus seeds
    • Mushroom
    • Onion
    • Pumpkin
    • Sweet potato
    • Spinach
    • Tomato